3 Tips to Help You Tune-Up Your Garage Door

10 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Having access to an enclosed garage makes it possible to secure your vehicle and other personal items from theft and the element. An automatic garage door helps to make access to your garage easier, but these doors can break down if they are not cared for properly. Here are three tips that you can use to help you tune-up your garage door in the future. 1. Replace worn roller bearings. Read More 

Troubleshooting A Damaged Obstruction Sensor On A Garage Door

10 November 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Garage door manufacturers install an obstruction sensor in your garage door, which will reverse the direction of your door to prevent it from closing on objects. While this arrangement normally works just fine, you can have problems when your sensor gets out of alignment or refuses to work like it should. If you know what to look for, you should be able to make repairs on your own.  How the Sensor Works Read More 

Preparing Your Garage Door For The Winter

19 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

With your garage door being the largest entrance to your home, it is essential that you maintain it so you don't have to worry about security issues and air getting through. In many homes, 40% of your home's exterior is your garage door. During the winter, it is especially important to have your garage door working for you and not allowing the frigid air to get into your home. When your garage door won't close or properly seal, you may start to notice your energy bill increasing. Read More 

3 Types Of Garage Doors For Your New Warehouse

15 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Are you building a new warehouse for your business? Will the warehouse have garage bays for deliveries or other forms of traffic? If so, you'll need to install commercial garage doors to secure the bay openings. A garage door may seem like a simple piece of hardware, but there are actually a few different types for you to choose from. Picking the right one for your warehouse will depend on your budget, your space requirements, and your needs for speed and convenience. Read More 

Choosing Garage Doors With Glass When Converting To Living Space

13 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

When planning to convert an attached garage to extra living space for your home, it's important to consider what type of garage door will be best for this purpose. That's nearly the entire wall on one side, so it will be a significant aspect of the decor. You can make the room more attractive by choosing something other than plain wood or metal doors that are common with these structures. Glass doors and doors with big windows offer intriguing functional and decorative options. Read More